
Photo by Doug Lees

Dedicated to the conservation and preservation of cold-water fisheries.

Virginia’s Rapidan Chapter #307 of Trout Unlimited, chartered in 1976, is dedicated to conserving, protecting and restoring Virginia’s cold water watersheds. We also offer many fun fishing events.

TU National Strategy

Expand our membership, train our Leaders and plan for succession.

Grassroots engagement – Invest in our youth & build/improve our communications systems.

Education and outreach – Improve public awareness and support, provide hands-on field-based opportunities, and foster awareness for a connection between trout, water resources, the environment, and people.

Leverage resources – articulate compelling needs and goals for funding, donations, and volunteer efforts

Advocacy at the national, state, and local levels

Recent News

Stay tuned to this area for updates on National, State and Chapter News

fishing education

Become a member!

Join the Rapidan Chapter of Trout Unlimited and make a difference in your community. Your membership also comes with a subscription to Trout magazine, discounts on fishing gear, and member-only prizes. More info coming soon.